USB disk preparation

Prepare a USB disk and format to EXT filesystem on host PC. Before formating/partitioning USB disk, you need to double check which /dev/sd? is detected. In my case, my host PC is using ubuntu 16.04 and inserted USB is detected on /dev/sda.

fdisk /dev/sdb
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda

Rootfs generation

Use debootstrap to make a debian rootfs, check[1]. Another good reference is on github[2]. To be noticed that armel should be general for arm platform and armhf is advanced and also supported. (but you need to check your target board with FPU. See debian website)

sudo ./ armel

After you excute the script, rootfs will be put on build folder. Then, copy generated rootfs folder to USB disk. (In my case, it was on media/jt/xxxx/)

sudo cp -rvf debian-rootfs/build/armel/armel-rootfs-2018xxxx /media/jt/xxxx/

Generated a chroot script

Prepared a chroot script ( and stored into USB disk. Example as below:

#!/bin/busybox sh



if [ ! "x$1" = "x" ]; then

$bb mkdir -p "${chroot}/dev"
$bb mkdir -p "${chroot}/proc"
$bb mkdir -p "${chroot}/sys"
$bb mkdir -p "${chroot}/bcmfs"

$bb mount | $bb grep -q "${chroot}/dev"     || $bb mount -o bind /dev     "${chroot}/dev"
$bb mount | $bb grep -q "${chroot}/dev/pts" || $bb mount -o bind /dev/pts "${chroot}/dev/pts"
$bb mount | $bb grep -q "${chroot}/proc"    || $bb mount -o bind /proc    "${chroot}/proc"
$bb mount | $bb grep -q "${chroot}/sys"     || $bb mount -o bind /sys     "${chroot}/sys"
$bb mount | $bb grep -q "${chroot}/bcmfs"   || $bb mount -o bind /        "${chroot}/bcmfs"

export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin"
export HOME="/root"
export USER="root"

$bb chroot "$chroot" "$bin"

Chroot on target board

Install USB disk on target board and execute chroot scripts

mount /dev/sda /mnt/jail/

Install utility via apt package

Below is a case for example to use apt-get and install python. To be noticed that you need to check your networking before using apt package. The basic is to check your route gateway and ping for testing.

apt-get update
apt-get install python


